A SCRUM workflow consists on following steps by the agile team members in a streamlined way. The SCRUM workflow aims at adapting and solving unexpected problems during the development of the incremental value of the product.

What is SCRUM?

Scrum is a way of organizing work that is based on the principle of collaboration, constant progress and value delivery. Instead of having all the work planned in advance, the Scrum workflow allows you to move forward slowly and flexibly.

It is based on periodic deliveries of product value, the sprints, with 15 days being the average time up to deadlines of no more than 4 weeks, so there is continuous tracking of product delivery.

Each sprint begins with a meeting called sprint planning, in which it is decided which tasks are going to be performed in the time it lasts. Then, each day, a short meeting called a daily meeting is held to discuss progress and problems. At the end of a sprint, a sprint retrospective is held to analyze what has worked and what can be improved.

SCRUM started out as an agile methodology used by development teams, but its great organizational capacity has allowed it to be extended to any sector that wants to add value to its products or projects.

To start creating a SCRUM workflow, you can create a free account with DoneTonic.

SCRUM process

Scrum Process

Understanding the SCRUM workflow is simple. It is a continuous process, when the last event has been done you go back to the beginning. Each Scrum workflow has events that are easy to create and manage with DoneTonic.

-> Learn how to set up a SCRUM workflow with DoneTonic

1. Product Backlog: Create your PBIs

First of all, it is necessary to set up the PBIs that will be part of the sprint. These are generated and edited in the Backlog. Within the PBIs, the Product Owner will add the tasks he/she considers necessary to develop the product, this is done within the Sprint Planning event.

With DoneTonic it is possible to create templates that add those configured tasks that can be commonly used in the Sprint Planning definition.

-> Here we explain how to create a PBI with DoneTonic..

Once the PBIs are defined with their linked tasks, it is necessary to pass it to READY status.
Now you can create the sprint and add the PBI or PBIs that will conform it.

PBI with DoneTonic

2. Create the sprint

The next step in the SCRUM workflow configuration is to create the sprint.

The sprint is the core of the SCRUM methodology. They usually last between 15 days and no more than 4 weeks in which the incremental value in the product being developed has to be achieved.

DoneTonic proposes the date of the next retrospective and review, although these values are editable by the user if he thinks he needs more than the 15 days that the sprint can last.

The sprint has a definition and a schedule that will enable the objectives to be achieved.

Once the sprint has been created, it is time to pass the refined PBIs with READY status to the created sprint.

-> We explain how to add the PBIs to the sprint.

DoneTonic SCRUM backlog

3. SCRUM Board: the heart of the SCRUM workflow

Following the SCRUM workflow, you then start managing the PBIs from the SCRUM board.

The SCRUM dashboard displays the PBIs with their associated tasks, which progress through the board as they are completed.

Sprint in SCRUM

All agile team members should have access to this board so that they can know the status of their tasks at all times.

Thanks to this board, it is possible to have a visual image of the status of the incremental value development.

There are also the basic statuses through which the tasks of the PBIs will progress:

  • To-Do
  • Doing
  • Done

Additionally, other statuses can be added, such as Blocked or Verifyng, although the simpler the workflow, the more likely it is to be successful.

4. Releases

Releases are the delivery plan of the PBIs. It is the version of that value delivery in the product that is made available to users.

-> Learn how to create a new release with DoneTonic

Optimize the SCRUM workflow

This workflow can evolve. Once all members of the agile team are comfortable with the established flow, it is possible to modify it. For example, it is possible to create new statuses because some tasks need more precision than the 3 basic statuses that the SCRUM methodology works with, or new statuses that clearly communicate the phase the task is in.
But for this, all members of the agile team must agree and know them.